Queen City Anime Convention

Anti-Harassment Policy

Queen City Anime Convention (QCAC) has a ZERO TOLERANCE policy for harassment of any kind. We are dedicated to fostering a safe and inclusive environment for everyone. We ask that all attendees respect the varying boundaries and comfort levels of others.

Anyone found to be creating a hostile or unsafe environment may have their badge revoked and be removed from the event.

What Constitutes Harassment?

  • Harassment is any behavior that creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive atmosphere for someone. This can be either physical or psychological. Examples of harassment include, but are not limited to:

    • Unwelcome comments about a person's appearance, gender, race, or other personal attributes.

    • Offensive jokes, slurs, or derogatory statements.

    • Non-consensual physical contact, including unwanted touching or hugging.

    • Unwanted photography, video recording, or stalking.

    • Persistent disruption of events or personal spaces.

    Harassment is defined by the person experiencing it, not by your intentions.

Acting with Respect

  • Don’t assume what’s acceptable to you is acceptable to others.

  • Always ensure you have clear and explicit consent for any interaction that involves someone else.

  • If consent is not given, stop immediately.

  • Everyone has the right to set their own boundaries, and those boundaries must be respected.

  • If someone expresses that your actions or words are unwelcome, you must stop immediately.

  • If someone asks you to leave them alone, you are required to do so.

  • If something you do makes someone uncomfortable, please be aware that the behavior might still be considered harassment, even if you didn’t mean it that way.

Enforcement and Consequences

  • Violations of this policy will result in:

    • A verbal warning for minor offenses (only one warning will be given).

    • Immediate removal from the event without refund for serious or repeated violations.

    • Permanent bans from future events.

    • In cases involving illegal activity, law enforcement will be notified.

If You Feel Harassed

  • If you are feeling unsafe or harassed during the event, please approach any staff member for assistance. They can help connect you with a Safety team member, venue security, or a police officer. Your well-being is our priority.

  • You can also contact our Safety team via the reporting form at the bottom of this page, year-round.

    • If you’ve experienced an incident involving anyone affiliated with the convention—such as venue security, guests, or staff—please don’t hesitate to report it!

    • The more details we have, the better we can ensure a safe and welcoming environment for everyone.

    • Age of the incident is irrelevant - even if it was in the past, we still need to be aware so that we can investigate and take any necessary action.

    • Please be cautious when reporting on behalf of someone else. Request consent, and encourage that individual to be a part of the reporting process, if possible.

    • Concerns regarding potential threats should be reported. If you have reason for concern, please let us know as soon as possible.

Incident Report Form

If you or someone you know need resources regarding victimization, please visit the VictimConnect Resource Center website here for a list of National hotlines, or contact the VictimConnect Resource Center by phone or text 1-855-4VICTIM (855-484-2846).